This story is a deep dive into human nature, governments, how lawyers bend law, leadership, trust, love, happiness, enlightenment and every topic you can think of about life. Just watch it once and you will be different after it finishes.
It takes you through the journey of a philosopher. Who rises to become one of the most powerful religious leader and then his fall.
In this article I would like to focus on the outline of the series and the historical event that happened and also the outcomes of it.
The 20th century is nearing its end. The western culture has started to take shape and its growth is exponential. People have started to understand emotions and also started to question the existing norms of the society.
Among these changes, there is a philosopher in India who is reading immensely and spreading his knowledge gained through the books. Or, spreading his way of thinking with the people who he is in contact with. His ideas are new, some support the preexisting norms but have revolutionized how we apply them in our life. Whereas some ideas were against the norms like, thinking of sex as normal and let people have sex wherever they want, however they want.
This way after a good thinking and reading, he came up with his own set of activities, especially he made a new meditation technique. These resonated with the people and these set of rules were providing freedom to people who follow them. To be precise it provided an Adrenalin boost to them, the boost of happy hormones, it excited the people as well as calmed them.
These teachings of the Indian philosopher started to spread like a wildfire. Soon, its ashes reached the west and the east. People started to come in bulk to visit his ashram, follow his teachings, listen to his public addresses. He seemed to have such a way of talking. He was able to hypnotize the folk with just his speech. People would go mad after him.
Now, more and more people were hearing of him and wanted to see him in person. His teachings were reaching the corners of the world through the help of his followers. A community that started with a bunch of people had now numbers surpassing population of many towns. The place he had India was not able to accommodate those people and he needed a bigger place.
This led him to move to US.
US was where his downfall started.
I would not like to spoil the whole story here. But would greatly encourage you to go and watch the series. I don’t care however you watch it.
Its on Netflix. (click on it to go to the series)
Or you can also download it from torrent. (I don’t take any responsibility if your country’s police force is after you for this)
Now, let’s end with a great ending line which I thought of in the start. (Ironic right?)
Loved how each side of the story was shown and how the series ended. Felt like great movie had just ended with a great ending. You could never expect more.
Just watch it once…
You won’t regret it…
I just hope Netflix pays to me for its promotion. If not then F*U*K you Netflix.